Background: I’ve criticized Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott on numerous occasions, including my co-authored column When Beating up on ‘Deadbeat Dads’ is Unfair(Houston Chronicle, 1/7/07). Abbott often beats his chest during his frequent crackdowns on low-income fathers he labels “deadbeat dads.” I get as many complaints about Abbott and the Texas Attorney General’s Office as I do about Child Support Enforcement in all other 49 states combined. To learn more about Abbott and his abuses, click here. Below is a letter from “Jeremy,” a father who says he is being manhandled by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office.
“Dear Mr. Sacks, “My ex-wife and I have been divorced for 12 years, most of which has been amicable. Until last year everything has been fine. I have had our kids most of the time and we have each paid each other as we both agreed (without using the state or lawyers). “Unfortunately, nothing is in writing because last year she went to the Texas AG and filed our divorce decree to ‘get me’. So for the last year they have attacked me as a deadbeat dad in every way possible. “I have an attorney in Austin, Texas but as she puts it they are in no hurry now to settle because they/she are getting their money now. Isn’t there anything I can do? “Obviously I am not a deadbeat dad, she just used the system to hurt me! I currently have an automatic deduction from my paycheck, for what they say is a $50k in arrears debt, while I am raising our daughter and she has none of our kids. How is this fair? Isn’t there anything else I can do other than ‘take it’?”
‘I am raising our daughter and she has none of our kids-how could they label me a ‘deadbeat dad’?’