
DART Ads ‘Don’t tell the whole truth and make dads out to be bad guys’

Dallas, TX A few days ago Dallas Morning News columnist James Ragland wrote a column calling the Dallas Area Rapid Transit ads we’re protesting “shocking and biased,’ adding they “used the kids as prop’ and “made me cringe.’

Ragland questioned whether he wanted his “own young child to absorb such an alarming message,’ and said the ads have a “scary and false implication.’

The column ended oddly, however, with a donation pitch for The Family Place. The column is Family Place’s Dallas bus ads shock, but so does domestic violence (Dallas Morning News, 11/1/08). To comment on the story, click here.

Today the Dallas Morning News published Bus ads support bias by Tad Heimburger. Heimburger wrote:

I disagree with Mr. Ragland’s solution to the controversial domestic violence ad campaign on local buses. Contributing money to the Family Place may appear compassionate by supporting the helpful service provided to those families.

However, it also supports the organization’s underlying view that men are the cause of the problem. The intent of the shocking ads to raise money and its success is openly admitted by the nonprofit’s director. Meanwhile, I must explain to my children the meaning of these ads on the buses that are visible from my house.

Not telling the whole truth and making dads out to be bad guys makes more money.

To learn more about our campaign, click here.

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