
Ohio Senator Bill Seitz Responds to F & F’s Criticism of SB 292 on Cincinnati Radio (Audio Available)

Donald Hubin, Ph.D., Chairman of Fathers and Families of Ohio’s Executive Committee, appeared on the Scott Sloan Show on WLW AM 700 in Cincinnati on Monday to discuss SB 292, a new Ohio bill that will raise child support. The next day Sloan had the bill’s co-sponsor, Senator Bill Seitz (R-Cincinnati), on his show and asked him in detail about SB 292.

Seitz pointed to a few positive aspects of the bill–aspects which F & F has previously publicly acknowledged–but seems to be confused about the way the bill will raise child support levels. Sloan told Seitz about some of Hubin’s criticisms of the bill, and also about the flood of callers he had Monday who told him that they were unable to get downward modifications on their child support when they were laid off or had their wages cut.

Sloan also told Seitz about the callers who had said that their exes violate their visitation rights with impunity. He cited one who said he lives five minutes away from the child for whom he had been paying child support for many years, but has not seen his child in five years. The child’s mother refuses visitation, in violation of court orders, but the court doesn’t enforce it.

Seitz was sympathetic, saying “There ought to be a more expeditious way” to enforce visitation.

During the Tuesday show many fathers, including some Fathers and Families of Ohio supporters, called in with horror stories about the abusive child support system. Interestingly, a grandmother and a second woman who is a great-grandmother both detailed the injustices of the system towards their child support obligor family members.

To participate in F & F of Ohio’s campaign against the bill, please click here.

To listen to the audio archive of the interview with Don, please click here. Sloan devoted a full two hours to the subject–to listen to the second hour, click here.

To listen to the audio archive of the interview with Senator Seitz, please click here and click on “Scott Sloan 10/19/10 Hour 2.”

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