
Happy Thanksgiving!

From all the gang at Fathers and Families, have a relaxed and happy Thanksgiving day. 

My wife and I recently spent a couple of days with an old friend and his wife.  Just a few months previously, the man had been diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer and had undergone an eight-hour operation that itself posed a serious threat to his life.  He survived and now experiences, day by day, minute by minute, the great gift of his own life and everything that’s in it, from the simplest sunrise to his deepest bonds of love and support with his wife.

In short, every day for him is a day of thanksgiving.  And that is what Thanksgiving Day can be for each of us.  Count your blessings?  Chances are they’re too numerous to count.  But this day at least, look around you and remember that whatever your circumstances, there is much good, much beauty and most of that comes from our relationships with loved ones – husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, children and friends.

So Happy Thanksgiving!  A day like any other.

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