“In the American family, the mother comes first, then the kids, then the dog, then the cat, and then the father.”–Tomas, my Cuban immigrant father-in-law
I guess we can now add the family hamster and goldfish in there before the father, too. Recently California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California legislature took strong measures to protect goldfish, hamsters, bunny rabbits, cats, and dogs who are caught in abusive relationships by signing SB 353. Schwarzenegger joins Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell and others who have focused on this scourge, and realized the threat domestic violence poses to hamsters like little Cinnamon (pictured).
Earlier this year Rell signed a bill to protect pet victims of domestic violence. She explained:
“Pets are too often the silent victims of domestic violence. They cannot fight back, and they are presently afforded no protection under our current legal system.’
No, the above is not an Onion parody, it’s real. To Rell’s credit, however, she has declined to sign on to the ridiculous feminist charade that only men commit domestic violence. Earlier this year she commented, “Domestic violence cuts across all races, all income brackets, all levels of education – and both sexes.’ To learn more, see my blog post Good News–Pro Feminist Governor Acknowledges Women Also Commit Domestic Violence.
Earlier this year I co-authored a column on SB 353–CA Legislators Vote to Protect Pets from Domestic Violence but Deny Services to Male DV Victims (Long Beach Press-Telegram, 4/21/07). It is below.
CA Legislators Vote to Protect Pets from Domestic Violence but Deny Services to Male DV Victims
By Mike McCormick and Glenn Sacks
Long Beach Press-Telegram, 4/21/07
It would be difficult to make California”s controversial domestic violence policies more irrational and unfair to men, but Senator Sheila Kuehl (D–Santa Monica) is trying. California law has long excluded men and their children from receiving state-funded DV services, even though research demonstrates that a third of domestic violence-related injuries are incurred by heterosexual males.
The legislature reiterated this exclusion last fall by passing AB 2051, which references services for “battered women” 31 times yet never once mentions “male victims,” “men,” or even simply “victims.’ While California funds over 100 domestic violence shelters for women, there are only two facilities in the state which even accept male victims, and both of them are in remote areas.
Recently Kuehl and the California Senate Judiciary Committee took the state”s DV policies to a new level of absurdity by passing a law to address the issue of domestic violence and…pets!