
Genesis 39-I guess women ruining men’s lives by making false accusations isn’t anything new…

Los Angeles, CA–My daughter found a 60-year-old book of Bible stories among our many books, and has been asking me to read it to her as a bedtime story lately. When we came to Genesis 39–the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife–I had to laugh. I guess women ruining men’s lives by making false accusations isn’t anything new.

The passage is below. The painting is of Joseph rebuffing Potiphar’s Wife’s advances–an act which stripped him of his good job and landed him in prison.

Genesis 39: Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

1 Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.

2 The LORD was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.

3 When his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD gave him success in everything he did,

4 Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned.

5 From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the LORD blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the LORD was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.

6 So he left in Joseph’s care everything he had; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.
Now Joseph was well-built and handsome,

7 and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!”

8 But he refused. “With me in charge,” he told her, “my master does not concern himself with anything in the house; everything he owns he has entrusted to my care.

9 No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?”

10 And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.

11 One day he went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants was inside.

12 She caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house.

13 When she saw that he had left his cloak in her hand and had run out of the house,

14 she called her household servants. “Look,” she said to them, “this Hebrew has been brought to us to make sport of us! He came in here to sleep with me, but I screamed.

15 When he heard me scream for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house.”

16 She kept his cloak beside her until his master came home.

17 Then she told him this story: “That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me.

18 But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house.”

19 When his master heard the story his wife told him, saying, “This is how your slave treated me,” he burned with anger.

20 Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined.


‘I’m rumblin’ in this JCB. I’m 5 years old and my dad’s a giant sitting beside me’ (Music Video)

Los Angeles, CA–“Well, I’m rumblin’ in this JCB. I’m 5 years old and my dad’s a giant sitting beside me. “And the engine rattles my bum like berserk, While we’re singin, ‘Don’t forget your shovel if you want to go to work!’ “My dad’s probably had a bloody hard day, But he’s been good fun and bubblin and jokin’ away, And the procession of cars stuck behind are gettin all impatient and angry,
but we dont mind.An’ we’re holdin’ up the bypass, Me and my dad havin’ a top laugh” The JCB Song by the band Nizlopi is a sweet song by a man talking about spending time with his dad when he was a kid. To say that we need more of this in our culture would be the understatement of the century. To watch the music video, click here or see below. Thanks to George, a reader, for sending it. [youtube:]


His Side with Glenn Sacks Radio Commentary: The Disappearing Dad

Los Angeles, CA–My recent His Side with Glenn Sacks radio commentary for KLAA AM 830 in Los Angeles discusses Indianapolis Star cartoonist Gary Varvel’s so-true-it’s-painful depiction of the fatherless modern American family (pictured). The picture in the upper left of the album is the saddest of all.

To listen to the commentary, click here or on the audio button below.

To learn more, see my blog post So Heartbreaking and So True.

His Side with Glenn Sacks radio commentaries are broadcast daily on KLAA AM 830, a 50,000 watt talk station in Los Angeles and Orange County. KLAA AM 830 is owned by Arte Moreno, owner of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.

From 2003-2005, His Side with Glenn Sacks ran in a syndicated talk show format in Los Angeles, New York City, Boston, Seattle, and other cities. To listen to show archives, click here.


Rocky & His Wife

Los Angeles, CA–One of the things I like the most about the movie Rocky Balboa (2006) is the way Rocky feels about his late wife Adrian. He speaks of her reverently and visits her grave often, always bringing fresh flowers.

Adrian loved Rocky for who he was, instead of resenting who he wasn’t. She cherished the things he did, as opposed to carping about the things he didn’t do.

In return, Rocky was loyal and kept his affection and love for her, even after he became famous and could have traded her for a “better” woman, as some men do. There’s a kind of working man’s dignity to Rocky’s affection for her that is very touching.

In the previous clip from the movie that I blogged about (see Some Great Fatherly Advice from Rocky Balboa) Rocky reminds his son “don’t forget to visit your mother.” The next day they both meet by chance at Adrian’s grave.

In the clip below, Rocky is thinking about Adrian on their anniversary, revisiting the ice skating rink where they had met many years before. He’s with Paulie, Adrian’s brother.

To watch, click here or see below.


‘The lesbian biological mom does to her ex exactly what heterosexual mothers so often do to their ex-husbands…’

Columbus, OH–Over the past year I have written a column and several blog posts on the issue of the rights of lesbian “social mothers’–women who agreed to employ a sperm donor so that they could have children with their lesbian partners, who are the biological mothers. I do believe that children fare best when they have both a mom and a dad, and that fathers offer much to children that mothers don”t provide. However, this is not possible in lesbian couples.
When two lesbians agree to have a child together, and when the child has bonded with both his or her biological mother and his or her social mother, I believe that the relationship between the child and the social mother should be protected. I also believe that the biological mother has a responsibility to her children and to her former partner to hold up her end of the deal with the partner with whom she created the child, and that courts should hold her to her commitment. These cases are now becoming routine–when the relationship goes sour, the lesbian biological mom does to her ex exactly what heterosexual mothers so often do to their ex-husbands–drive her out of her child”s life. When heterosexual women do this our society makes excuses for them and assumes that the ex-husband must have done something bad to merit it. With these lesbian breakups we can see the truth much clearer–some women (straight or gay) are vindictive, and this vindictiveness drives them to purge their exes from their children”s lives. In this case, the lesbian couple legally committed themselves to having joint custody, and now the biological mother is trying to employ the Ohio ban on gay marriage in order to deprive her ex of a role in their child’s life. Woman Argues Ohio Anti-Gay Amendment Bars Ex From Sharing Custody, 3/26/08 (Columbus, Ohio) An Ohio woman says the state’s ban on same-sex marriage is grounds for barring her ex-partner from sharing custody with her son.” Thursday the Court of Appeals will hear her case. Last June a judge in Columbus ruled that the amendment has no bearing on a signed agreement between Denise Fairchild and Therese Leach that they would share custody of the boy, now aged 11. The dispute over custody began in 2005 after the women ended their relationship. After their son was born in 1996, both women parented him. In order to ensure that Leach had a protected legal relationship with the child, the two women signed a joint custody agreement. Such agreements were approved by the Ohio Supreme Court in 2001. That same year an Ohio court approved the joint custody agreement stating they would share custody. After Leach and Fairchild broke up, Fairchild sought to terminate the custody agreement, citing the 2004 state amendment limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples. In addition to banning same-sex marriage the amendment, known as Issue 1, says the state “and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage.” Lawyers for Fairchild argued in Franklin County’s domestic relations court that the amendment extends to adoption. Magistrate Darrolyn Krippel ruled that the amendment to the state constitution could not apply in the case “Granting custody of a minor child to a nonparent is done every day,” Krippel said in a written opinion. The judgment noted that family courts regularly settle custody disputes between unmarried people and even people of the same sex. “The granting of custody to these nonparents is not against public policy,” Krippel’s ruling said. Read the full article here.


Shull Case Update

Virginia–Background: Conscientious Virginia judge James Michael Shull (pictured below), who smoked out a woman who sought to extend a restraining order based on false charges of domestic violence, was removed from the bench last fall by this Virginia Supreme Court ruling. Not only was Shull railroaded, but he has been the target of widely-disseminated misleading reporting.

To learn more about the case, see my blog posts In Defense of Judge James Michael Shull (Part I), Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, and Part VII, read my co-authored newspaper column defending Shull here, or click here.

The lying mother who cost Judge Shull his career abducted her child from the custody of her ex-husband in February, and her case appeared on America’s Most Wanted. On February 22, Huffman-Giza had been found guilty of welfare fraud and sentenced to prison. However, instead of going to prison, she was given two years supervised probation. From America’s Most Wanted:

“According to police, Brayden was taken by his biological but non-custodial mother, 32-year-old Tammy Huffman-Giza the weekend prior, when Brayden’s father brought the child over to her apartment in Coeburn, Va. for a visit.

“Cops say when the father went to pick up Brayden, the apartment was empty — except for a letter Huffman-Giza allegedly penned before taking off with the child. In the letter, police say Huffman-Giza wrote she had met someone named ‘Richard’ online, and that she’d made plans to go to London, England to meet him. Police have issued a felony warrant for Tammy, charging her with child abduction.”

Huffman-Giza was caught on February 27 and the 8-year-old boy returned. Below is an update from a reader who lives in Wise County, Virginia:

“Glenn–I have just learned that Tammy Huffman-Giza was let out by Wise County, Virginia authorities, ostensibly to get medical treatment. She then absconded from the jurisdiction and is believed to be in Kentucky. They are apparently trying to keep this quiet. However, to let a woman or any prisoner out of jail with her history seems ludicrous.”

Letting her out is not “ludicrous”–it’s the female criminal justice discount. Let’s briefly recap:

She was caught in a bald-faced lie, falsely claiming domestic violence when she had in fact cut herself. None of the parties in the case on any side even disputed that she had lied.

She had attempted to defraud the court in order to deprive a father of his children. None of the parties in the case on any side even disputed that she had tried to defraud the court.

She had a rap sheet as long as your arm, a small part of which is displayed above.

Judge Shull conscientiously did what he needed to do to protect vulnerable children caught in a very difficult situation. Shull was removed anyway by a decision of the Virginia Supreme Court last fall.

Having been let out of a jail sentence, Tammy Huffman-Giza returns the favor by adducting her son, attempting to kidnap him to England. She is caught.

She is let out of jail as a temporary favor to her, and she flees to another state.

This is the woman Judge Shull tried to protect two young children from. This is the woman who cost Judge Shull his career.

I wonder how the Virginia Supreme Court feels about it now?


This Dad Sounds More Like a Hero than a Criminal

Ontario, Canada–“When a 15-year-old girl sneaked out of the house for the umpteenth time to meet her drug-dealing boyfriend at a party, her father went after her in his truck.

“He spotted her at a pay phone near their home outside Picton, Ont., and told her to get in. She refused, and he grabbed her by the shirt and shoved her into the truck. They headed home, but the girl took off again and made it to the party. The parents managed to get their daughter home later, but only after calling police for help.

“The shirt-grabbing incident didn’t end there. The father, who can’t be named to protect his daughter’s identity, was charged with assault, setting off a two-year legal battle that tested the limits of how far a parent can go to discipline a teen under the Criminal Code. “Judge Griffin…convicted the father on one assault charge.“The conviction devastated him. It affected his business and left him humiliated in the small town. “‘I held my head up and stuck by it and hoped for the best,’ he said yesterday.

“He appealed to the Ontario Superior Court. In a ruling made on March 13 and released yesterday, Madam Justice Cheryl Robertson overturned the conviction and ruled that Section 43 did apply to teenagers…

“The judge noted the family’s difficult history with the girl, their third child. She had been rebellious for years, and the parents had won a restraining order against the boyfriend, who had a history of drug abuse and violence. At one point, the parents found letters from the boyfriend instructing their daughter to ‘kill the sluts when nobody is around,’ the judge noted…

“Crown attorney Hilary Whitmey said she has not decided whether to appeal the ruling.

“The father hopes his legal saga has ended. His daughter, now 17, is back at home and things are going somewhat better, he said. When asked if he had any advice for parents facing similar problems, he replied:

“‘You got to do what you think is best for them. … It’s really tough, I’ll tell you, it’s really tough.'”

Let’s see, she’s running away to be with her violent, drug dealer boyfriend and dad goes and grabs her and brings her back home. For this, he has spent the last several years trying to stay out of jail. Gives you a pretty good clue as to why we have so many screwed up kids.

The father said it all–when you have kids, “You got to do what you think is best for them.”

The full story is Father knows best: Dad cleared of assaulting rebellious teen daughter (Globe & Mail, 4/1/08)–thanks to Jeremy Swanson for sending it.


Daughter Wants a Checkbook Reunion with Her Dad

Los Angeles, CA–Below is a recent letter I received via my Family Law Help Form:

“I am writing in reference to myself. I am thirty-years-old. I just recently met my alleged father last year. He now wants to take a DNA test.

“He has never gave me one penny. My question is–if he is the father, is there anything I could do as far as back pay? If he has any property or assets, would I be entitled to anything?”

What a touching father-daughter reunion…


Readers Again Fire Back in Brandweek over Anti-Male Advertising

Los Angeles, CA–“Background: Brandweek Magazine is one of the largest publications in the advertising world, and it has repeatedly covered the problem of anti-male advertising, as well as our efforts to combat it. To learn more about Brandweek’s commendable coverage, click here.

Brandweek Senior Reporter Mike Beirne got it right in his recent piece about men and fathers in advertising–Marketers used to venerate the father figure. So why are they making him look like such an ass? (3/3/08). Beirne discusses our campaigns against anti-male advertising and quotes several authorities in the advertising world who sympathize with us. He also details numerous anti-male/anti-father ads, largely the ones we’ve covered and criticized on this blog over the past year.

Several of our readers–including Deborah Sbarra, Rick Panditaratne, Peter Hackmeister, and Darrin Albert–wrote Letters to the Editor which were published in Letters: Dads Deserve Better Deal In Today’s Advertising (Brandweek, 3/17/08). Panditaratne wrote:

“Regarding the portrayal of dads in the media and Spike TV channeling its attention to dads:

“It’s about time that dads received their due respect for loving and raising their children. We do just as much as women today, but it rarely gets noticed.

“It’s always the negative stereotypes that are promoted in the media. For too long we’ve been neglected, mocked and ridiculed. I am appalled and outraged at the lack of positive influences of men in the media.

“I realize why men are shying off of marriage and complain about our family law system. It’s all directly related to the way men are perceived in what we hear, read and see. I hope dads will keep fighting to make things positive for their sons and daughters.”

Hackmeister wrote:

“Far too often when something is on TV, an advertisement, or a movie, or a regular show, and the male is shown in an unflattering way, I cringe.

“My standard response is: If the roles of the sexes were reversed, would this have made it to television? That should be the acid test.

“If you can reverse the sexes and it will still play well, than it is OK. But often the answer is, if that was a woman was in that role, they would never show it. This is a simple test, and all agencies should learn it.”

All the letters can be seen at Dads Deserve Better Deal In Today’s Advertising (Brandweek, 3/17/08)


Fathers & Families News Digest, 4/8/08

Below are some recent articles and items of interest from Fathers & Families’ latest News Digest.

Former state employees sentenced to probation in child-support thefts (Statesman Journal, 3/31/08)

Missouri senator still fighting for dads’ rights (, 4/1/08)

Ex-wife who tried to have husband killed contests fees (Maryland Daily Record, 4/1/08)

Computer error on child support disrupts finances of local family (Akron Beacon Journal, 4/3/08)

Father old to cough up 24000 pounds for unknown daughter (Kent Online, 4/3/08)

Mom tries for support money but state gets it first (Quad-Cities Online, 4/4/08)

Bill ensures those in military will not lose child custody (KCRG, 4/4/08)

Child support payments fall in with economy (Times Daily, 4/5/08)

Market slump makes divorce more difficult (San Francisco Chronicle, 4/6/08)

Quickie divorce now just a simple click away (, 4/8/08)