
Atlanta Cop: I’m tired of seeing restraining orders used as a weapon against good men

Atlanta, GA–“In my 14 years of policing, when proof is made to show the court that the T.P.O. is being sought for false reasons, no arrest is ever made…Judges just lecture the false accuser and sends her on her merry little way.” On the subject of women employing fraudulently obtained domestic violence restraining orders as a strategic tool, I recently received this letter from Mark, an Atlanta police officer. Mark writes:

I have seen first hand the horrendous treatment that fathers get in Family Court. Just last week I had the privilege to prevent a woman from getting a Temporary Protective Order against her ex-boyfriend. Her intent was to remove him from his house so she could move in and gain residency because she lost her home and had no other place to go.
I felt an arrest was in order for false statements to the court in her application. She cited that he was abusive and she was scared of him. Failing to inform the court that she did not even live with him! Fortunately for him, I, a police officer, was there to stand up on his behalf. Sadly, most men do not have an officer to prevent the issuance of T.P.O.s. Most counties do not even require a police investigation. The allegation is sufficient enough to warrant the T.P.O. I believe we should all remember that a T.P.O. is a mere civil action until it is violated, which means there is no crime. The false statements and swearing, that is required, to obtain a T.P.O. is a felony right from the start. In my 14 years of policing, when proof is made to show the court that the T.P.O. is being sought for false reasons, no arrest is ever made. Furthermore, this is done at a hearing in front of the judge. Judges just lecture the false accuser and sends her on her merry little way. I have witnessed many injustices against fathers.   I do feel that Protective Orders can be a good tool.  I’m just tired of them being used as a weapon against good men.  A friend of mine, also an officer, sent me your site in an e-mail, and many officers share your views. We see it firsthand and many of us strive to make sure the right thing is done.

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