
TV Ontario Quotes Fathers & Families on the Changing Role of Fathers

From TV Ontario’s The Changing Role of Father: Involved Dads and Their Positive Impact on Education (, 6/21/09):

In the 21st century, the role of ‘father” has changed. It”s safe to say that most people do not expect fathers to take on the role of sole breadwinner, primary disciplinarian or take a backseat to mothers when it comes to raising children.  As this outdated thinking about the role of the father dissipates, dads who are truly involved in their children”s lives are making a significant difference in many areas – including the realm of education…

How do these modern-day dads parent their children? “I think fathers parent differently than mothers…but it”s just as important,’ says Glenn Sacks, a journalist and the executive director of Fathers and Families – an advocacy and research organization. Sacks adds, “….fathers who are around [these days] are more hands-on.’

Fathers need to realize the important contribution that they make in every facet of their kids” lives – sometimes the father”s role is dismissed as less important to the mother”s but this is simply not true…

Whether today”s dads are helping kids with homework, attending parent-teacher interviews, or reading to children at bedtime, the positive impact that  involved fathers make resonates in their children”s academic success. According to information from CFII, school-aged children of involved fathers demonstrate the following attributes:

-They are better academic achievers
-They are more likely to get As
-They have better quantitative and verbal skills
-They have higher grade point averages, receive superior grades, or perform a year above their expected age level on academic tests
-They demonstrate more cognitive competence on standardized intellectual assessments
-They are more likely to enjoy school, have better attitudes toward school, participate in extracurricular activities, and graduate…

So, with all of this useful and important data backing up the important role of fathers, what else do dads need to get more involved?  Sacks has advice for dads who truly want to be more involved with their children: “Just do it,’ he says simply.

This is an abridged version of the article—to read the full version, please click here.

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