NPO in the media

January 18, 2018. Maryland Reporter, “Shared Parenting Brightens the Lives of Children of Divorce,” by Ned Holstein, National Parents Organization

The chance to brighten the lives of children through reform of custody laws has rightly become a major issue in Maryland.

As a recent Washington Post editorial highlighted, Maryland lawmakers are considering recommendations from a special commission that studied child custody decisions.

The news hits at a time when, according to a Post article, 25 states have considered laws supportive of shared parenting after divorce in the past year. Plus, a handful of states have passed such laws in the past, and several others have come very close to doing so.

This ferment is due to the little-known fact that the family courts in most states still create custody battles in which the victorious parent becomes the “custodial” parent, and the loser becomes the every-other-weekend parent.

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