
‘It was difficult reassuring my boys during my divorce-they say their friends’ dads could only see their kids on weekends’

Los Angeles, CA–One of my favorite readers is Kelly, a single father with shared custody who lives in the greater Los Angeles area. Recently he wrote: “Glenn, there is a comic strip called ‘For Better or Worse,’ which has a story line about a single custodial dad finding love and trying to bring his young daughter around to the whole idea of a stepmother.
“The scene in this touched me deeply. It was difficult reassuring my boys when I was going through my divorce. They were only three and four at the time. They saw how many of their friends’ dads were only able to see their kids on the weekends. I would always hug them tight and say to them, ‘I will always be your daddy, and I will always be here no matter what.'”

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