
‘I am now a proud business owner…I credit much of my business success to my dad’

In Megan Dowd’s Fox News column “Women in Business: Your E-Mails on Dads, the Grassroots Mentors” (6/25/07), “Pam S.,” a successful busnesswoman, writes:

Dear Megan, First of all I would like to say that your article about dads as mentors is the reason I own my own business today. Growing up, I would go on jobs with my dad, unknowingly learning the real basics of a hard work ethic. As a young girl (as most girls do) I cherished every moment I could spend with my dad, as I had five brothers and sisters to compete with for his attention.
As the years went by, I would watch how hard my dad worked and [see] the benefits reaped from his hard work and [listen to his] words of wisdom such as loyalty, job security, providing a comfortable living, and best of all, being your own boss. My dad is the number one biggest influence I have had in my life. When he passed away three years ago, there was a spark within me to pass on his legacy of all those values I had picked up on growing up. I am now a proud business owner and if my dad was alive to witness it, life would be that much sweeter. I credit much of my business success to my dad! There should be so much more credit given to our wonderful dads, as I truly believe I would not be where I am in business today if not for him. Every day I open the door to my business, I give thanks to all of the gifts that only a loving dad could have given me. I will continue his legacy and I am now passing this on to my own daughter. Pam S.

Read the full column here. Thanks to Thomas Conway, a reader, for sending it to me.

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