January 1, 2014 by Robert Franklin, Esq.
We at National Parents Organization hope that you and your have the best and happiest year in 2014. We hope you’re able to bask in the love of your family and are free to give generously of your love to them. To those of you who are sadly separated from your children, we hope your situation improves and that you’re not too dragged down by trying to maintain contact with them. Know that we are on your side and every day strive to make the legal system less acrimonious and fairer to children and parents alike.
On that note, we’re proud to say that it looks like 2014 will be our best year ever at National Parents Organization. We’re already putting plans in place to dramatically increase our public profile and to continue the excellent work that our many state affiliates have done to date. Every day, our state affiliates are attracting new members and bringing their weight to bear in state legislatures across the country from Massachusetts to California. The coming year promises to be better both for our state affiliates and for National Parents Organization. That means we’ll be better and more effective at influencing state laws and bringing attention to what continues to be one of the great scandals of American society – the separation of children from parents by the system of divorce and child custody laws.
We’re excited and proud to say that, in 2014, National Parents Organization will be doing more than ever to correct what’s wrong with that system.
Join us and let’s have the best possible 2014!