

Fathers and Families won reductions of excessive child support orders by over $1 billion from 2001 through 2008 in Massachusetts. Fathers and Families won a seat on the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines Task Force in 2007-2008. Fathers and Families helped spearhead a massive nationwide grassroots protest campaign against an anti-father PBS show on custody called “Breaking the Silence,’ forcing PBS to produce an expensive, new, even-handed documentary in which we were featured. We demonstrated that we can generate over 10,000 protests of anti-father media portrayals.
Fathers and Families gathered thousands of signatures to place shared parenting on the 2004 Massachusetts ballot. We led a successful campaign for its passage, winning 86% of the vote. Fathers and Families pushed “shared parenting’ to the number one issue on the Massachusetts Governor”s website for citizen input. Fathers and Families presented then-Presidential candidate Mitt Romney with over 300 testimonials documenting the abuse of the restraining order process. Fathers and Families led a 2008 campaign which stopped FOX TV from airing an anti-father reality show called Bad Dads. Fathers and Families helped spearhead a successful national protest campaign against Florida”s refusal to reunite a fit and loving Cuban dad with his daughter. Fathers and Families forced a Massachusetts child abuse advocacy organization to withdraw a television commercial falsely implying that child abuse is committed mainly by fathers.

Fathers and Families and Glenn Sacks have joined together to lead numerous other successful, highly-publicized campaigns. We have repeatedly mobilized as many as 10,000 activists in support of our campaigns. Learn about our many other campaigns.

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