
The Female Sentencing Discount-Woman Kills Husband, Is Convicted of 1st Degree Murder, Is ‘Sentenced’ to…

Probation. Yup, probation. It makes poor Mary Winkler’s 67 day jail stint for shooting her husband in the back as he slept seem positively cruel…

10 Years Probation For Traci Rhode
December 11, 2007

She was found guilty of murder but received no jail time.

On Thursday, several people reacted negatively to 37 year old Traci Rhode’s 10-year probation punishment.

Rhode (pictured) was convicted of First-Degree Murder on Monday and after two days of deliberation, the jury handed down what police and the prosecution team described as a “very” disappointing sentence.

“No amount of jail time assessed will bring back Mr. Rhode,” said Brownsville Police Chief Carlos Garcia. “She’s going to have to live her life knowing she was convicted of murder.”

Cameron County Assistant District Attorney, Chuck Mattingly held a press conference shortly after the sentence.

“(We) have serious concerns about the message that this sends to our community when a person found guilty of first degree, pre-meditated murder walks out of the courthouse after killing her husband,” he said.

Mattingly added he believes the jury took long establishing a punishment because Rhode’s two young sons took the stand and that might have affected their outlook on the case.

The full article can be seen here. Thanks to Bruce, a reader, for sending it.

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