
Deleted Dads: New Film on Family Court Outrages

August 31, 2014 by Robert Franklin, Esq.

It’s all there. A new movie has been released on the many injustices of the family court system. Here’s a trailer for the film called Deleted Dads, and the trailer alone hits most of the outrages visited on dads every day in family courts across the nation and around the world (YouTube). Just last year we were treated to a similar film, Divorce Corp.

But this one’s different for one main reason – it was made in Argentina. Deleted Dads is the English translation of the Spanish title, Borrando a Papa. The verb borrar means to delete, erase or wipe out.

The film was made by two women, Ginger Gentile and Sandra Fernández Ferreira the former being a child who was shut out of her father’s life, love and care by her mother and a court system that bears a striking resemblance to the ones we read about throughout the English-speaking world. As I said, the trailer for Deleted Dads has pretty much everything. It’s the usual litany of the abuse of fathers and children by anti-father courts told, all too familiarly, by countless fathers, second wives and adult children whose relationships with their fathers have been sacrificed by a system that claims to act on their behalf but in fact does the opposite.

Good, loving fathers removed from their children’s lives? Check.

A court system that separates fathers from children based on mothers’ false claims of abuse? Check.

Mothers who face no consequences whatsoever for levelling those false charges? Check.

The passage of months and even years while courts investigate those charges, time during which fathers can’t see their kids at all? Check.

An unholy cabal of lawyers and mental health professionals who make fine livings off of family court procedures, the longer and more acrimonious the better? Check.

The same cabal that assumes fathers to be abusers? Check.

Children ruthlessly alienated from fathers by mothers? Check.

Courts that routinely fail to recognize Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Syndrome? Check.

Courts and mental health professionals who ignore fathers when they claim abuse by mothers? Check.

Courts and mental health professionals who ignore fathers’ claims of child abuse by mothers even with objective proof? Check.

A child protective system that believes mothers to be unlikely to abuse their children up to the time one mother murders her child? Check.

Yes, all that and more is packed into a single three-minute trailer for Deleted Dads. There’s even one father who recounts a judge informing him that children are mothers’ property. Really. The judge used that word.

In short, apparently there’s not much to choose between the radically pro-mother family courts in the United States and the radically pro-mother family courts in Argentina. But there is one difference. The film Deleted Dads has been censored by the Argentinian government. Apparently it is illegal to show it in that country. At least we got to view Divorce Corp.

Check out the trailer for Deleted Dads; if Spanish isn’t your long-suit, just click the Closed Captioning button and you’ll get English subtitles.

Thanks to Jerry for the heads-up.


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#film, #Argentina, #parentalalienation, #childabuse, #non-custodialfathers

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