
‘My dad was my best friend, and I was Daddy’s Girl…My dad’s love was the most powerful I’ve ever witnessed’

kaitlyn-bouchard“Losing my dad was the most devastating experience I”ve ever had to deal with. It was so completely unexpected and sudden. But I know for a fact I would not be the person I am today if he was never a part of my life…He will forever be my hero.”
The National Students of AMF (deceased or “Ailing Mothers, Fathers,” or loved ones) Support Network is an organization dedicated to supporting college students coping with the illness or death of a loved one and empowering all college students to fight back against terminal illness. Recently Kaitlyn Bouchard (pictured), a student and Chapter President at the University of Rhode Island, submitted a piece about her father to the National Students of AMF forum. She wrote:

Before I entered first grade, my parents divorced. I was young and didn”t really understand the new life I was thrown into. My mom and I moved out, and I was only able to see my dad every other weekend. I had been used to not seeing my dad very often, as he had been in the Navy. He eventually left the service to watch me grow up. Being able to only spend time with my dad on the weekends, we would make the most out of it – we went to amusement parks, played mini golf, and we”d make midnight runs for snacks. My dad was my best friend, and I was Daddy”s Girl. We”d parade around town in matching sweatshirts, and go to the local diner on Sunday”s for breakfast. My dad even helped make the other kids at school jealous by sending gorgeous flowers to my classroom every Valentine”s Day. My dad”s love for me has come to be the most powerful love I”ve ever witnessed. Only, I had no idea that this would all end before I even turned twelve years old. Most of my time was spent living with my mom. One night in May 2002, mom had to do something no parent should ever have to. Just past 3AM, she opened my bedroom door and woke me up. Tears filled her eyes as she told me “Dad had a heart attack’. At that moment, I became wide awake and asked, “What hospital is he at? Mom took a moment to answer before saying “He”s in Heaven.” It”s been seven years since that day. Losing my dad was the most devastating experience I”ve ever had to deal with. It was so completely unexpected and sudden. But I know for a fact I would not be the person I am today if he was never a part of my life. He taught me many valuable lessons, and even though I only knew him for eleven years I am so thankful that he was my dad. He will forever be my hero…

Read the full piece here.

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