
Yet Another Parental Kidnapping

Los Angeles, CA–Read this one carefully.  The case originated in Maryland 10 years ago.  The father, Donald Wiswell was about to be awarded custody of his son, then aged 4 years, when the mother, Tamara Kennedy absconded with the boy to Mexico. 

Fast forward 10 years and she’s finally caught by Mexican authorities for being in the country illegally.  They send her and the boy to Houston where she’s in ICE custody.  Wiswell is informed and he flies immediately to Houston to finally assume the custody the judge was going to order back in 1998.

So what happens?  The child is placed in foster care.  Why?  Apparently Kennedy made some allegations against Wiswell and why would anyone question her word?  Yes, she seems to be a multiple law breaker, but why worry about that?  Of course the Maryland judge thought Wiswell could be trusted with custody, but what does he/she know?

Will the dad finally get custody?  Will Kennedy go to jail?  Will she pay compensation for her many clear violations of Wiswell’s parental rights?  Stay tuned.

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